Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Rosen Sind Rot - Nimm die Herausforderung an!

Valentinstag kommt bald!  Take the "Rosen sind Rot" challenge! 
This idea comes from poetry teacher Bruce Lansky's site, Giggle Poetry, where you can read English examples and more in-depth directions-- basically the formula for writing a poem like this.  We're going to write some Valentine poems like this in my German 2 class.
Hier sind ein paar Beispiele:

Rosen sind rot, 

Veilchen sind blau...

 Ich hab dich gern,

das weiß ich genau.

(Roses are red, violets are blue, I like you-- that I know exactly)

And the somewhat less romantic:

Rosen sind rot, 

Veilchen sind blau...

Ich lege dich flach

Du dumme Sau!

(Roses are red, violets are blue, I knock you out, you stupid sow!)

My colleague, a math teacher, was doubting that these poems could be written quickly, so I countered with:

Ein Mathelehrer an den Schuelern
Rosen sind rot
Mathe ist schwer
Weil ihr nicht lernt
Euere Koepfe sind leer!
(Roses are red, Math is hard, because you guys don't study, your heads are empty!)

Not high art, perhaps, but good Valentine's Day fun.  Stay tuned!

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